A few important things
When purchasing your Biomagnetic Lyme Kit you will be asked to agree with our Terms & Conditions which makes you a member of Trillium Sanctuary. As communicated in our About Us, the Biomagnetic Lyme Kit is an offering of Trillium Sanctuary Ministry and all proceeds are donations. Your agreement simply confirms that you understand this and protects us from any misunderstandings and liabilities. Although using the biomagnets is completely safe, and we feel confident in their use, we do not in any way promise medical results. The trustees of Trillium Sanctuary Ministry do not claim to be medical practitioners or to have a state-issued license of any kind. It is the user's responsibility to use the products and services offered by Trillium Sanctuary Ministry in the manner recommended and to take responsibility for their own health care and self-care choices. We also understand the complexity of what we call Lyme Disease. This kit serves both as an immediate first-aid response to acute Lyme, and as a healing path for chronic Lyme. The included instructional pamphlet & USB video will give more in-depth instructions & education about this topic. Thank you for being a pioneer with us in this new wave of holistic healing of Lyme Disease. We are honored to be a part of your wellness journey.
Disclaimer, Waiver, and Agreement
By checking the box at checkout titled "I agree to membership terms and conditions" I hereby affirm that I am voluntarily making a donation to Trillium Sanctuary Ministry, also known as Trillium Sanctuary. I agree to become a member of Trillium Sanctuary, until such time as my membership is terminated either by me or by the Trustees of the Ministry. I affirm that I comprehend the following in regards to the meaning of my membership in Trillium Sanctuary (hereinafter "the Association" or "the Ministry"):
1. Trillium Sanctuary is an unincorporated private membership association. This means that Trillium Sanctuary is operating in the private domain, as opposed to the public domain, and that all of the Association’s activities are private and between the members, including financial and business transactions, services rendered, counsel given or any other activity consensually agreed to between members. By conducting all business in the private domain, the Association’s activities fall outside of the jurisdiction of government entities, agencies, officers, agents, contractors, and other representatives as provided by law and are not subject to the legal codes, acts and statutes, executive orders and mandates, or rules and regulations of said entities.
2. Trillium Sanctuary is a humanitarian faith-based service organization and does not proselytize any religion, but respects every member’s understanding and practice of faith, including their privacy regarding such matters. The stated purpose of Trillium Sanctuary is to contribute to a new era of healing for Life on Earth, in which every incarnated soul has full authority over their own spiritual, emotional, and physical life, including the freedom to rely on their own deepest faith for health and healing.
3. Any products provided or services rendered within the Ministry, including health-promoting products or treatments, lodging, counseling, consulting, or any other service, are done so without the requirement or presumption of any certification or state-issued license validating those activities, for the express reason that these activities are conducted in the private domain by mutual free-will consent and clear and mature understanding and full self-responsibility on the part of all men and women acting as members of the Association.
4. Membership in Trillium Sanctuary is completely voluntary and subject to approval by the association trustees. Membership in the Ministry, as confirmed by the agreement to abide by the terms and conditions of this Disclaimer, Waiver, and Agreement, (by checking the box at checkout) is a prerequisite for any individual to gain access to the offerings of the Ministry. Individual memberships may be terminated upon determination of the board of trustees, if the trustees conclude that a specific member has interacted with them or any other member in a manner that is contrary or detrimental to the focus, principles, and mission of the Association. In the case of termination, members will still be bound to the terms of this agreement, particularly in regards to dispute resolution.
The trustees of Trillium Sanctuary do not claim to be medical practitioners, or to have a state-issued license of any kind. It is the user’s responsibility to use the products and services offered by Trillium Sanctuary in the manner recommended and to take responsibility for their own health care and self-care choices. It is the user’s responsibility to consult their medical provider if they have any concern about using any of the products or services offered by Trillium Sanctuary. The products and services offered by Trillium Sanctuary are not approved by the FDA and are therefore considered experimental in nature.
I hereby agree to indemnify, hold harmless, and release from liability Trillium Sanctuary and its Ministers and Trustees for any and all actions on their part, and to defend the Ministry, and its Ministers and Trustees against any and all claims, suits or actions of any kind whatsoever for liability, damages, compensation or otherwise, brought against them by any person on my behalf, including attorney’s fees and any related costs, including circumstances of ordinary and unintentional negligence that may occur during the usual course of activities of the Ministry.
As such, I do hereby declare the following:
1. I am exercising my right to “freedom of association” as guaranteed by the Universal Declaration of Human Rights and the Constitution of the United States of America.
2. I am exercising my right to freely choose for myself and my children or other dependents the types of tools, practices, therapies and treatments that I think are best for achieving and maintaining optimum wellness, as well as to freely choose for myself and my dependents any type of assistance which may be offered regarding health, law and any other private business activity. In doing so, I also accept the “covenant of confidentiality” between any holders of office (Trustees, Ministers) and myself, which means that I agree to keep all private matters private (including the activities of the Ministry) absent mutual agreement to the contrary.
3. I understand that as a private membership association and integrated auxiliary of a church, the Ministry’s activities are protected by Article I, section 10 of the Constitution (prohibition against impairment of the obligation of contract), and the First Amendment (religious freedom) and Fourteenth Amendment (right to due process, including the freedom to contract) to the Constitution of the United States of America, and are therefore outside the jurisdiction and authority of federal and state agencies and authorities concerning any and all civil complaints or grievances against Association members or other staff people. I agree that all civil complaints or grievances with the Ministry, its officers, or its members, will be settled using the third party dispute resolution system called Peacemaker Equity (peacemakerequity.com). By agreeing to this membership I affirm that I have sought sufficient education to determine that this is the course of action I wish to take for myself. Additionally, I agree to be bound by the terms of this agreement even and especially in the event that my membership is withdrawn or terminated.
4. I enter into this agreement of my own free will without any pressure or coercion. I affirm that I do not come to the ministry as a representative of any local, state, or federal agency. I have read and understood this document, and my questions have been answered fully to my satisfaction. I understand that I can terminate my membership in this Association at any time, and that my membership can and will be revoked if I engage in any behavior that is anything other than respectful and kind towards any other member of the Association.
5. I affirm that the date of the commencement of my membership in Trillium Sanctuary is the date of the electronic signing of this agreement via the checked box at checkout. I affirm that I have carefully read the whole of this document and comprehend what I am agreeing to and I am making a decision in my capacity as a fully self-responsible adult.
6. I understand that all written and electronic materials, such as this membership agreement, and written or video instructions for our products, or other legal documents created by and provided to me by Trillium Sanctuary Ministers, are proprietary and subject to copyright penalties and I agree not copy or disseminate any such documents or materials without written consent of at least one of Trillium Sanctuary Ministry’s Trustees.
7. I understand that this Disclaimer, Waiver, and Agreement constitutes a common law contract inasmuch as there is a meeting of the minds of two or more parties. As such, the Trustees of Trillium Sanctuary agree to fulfill their end of this contract implicitly, via the ministry's offerings on this website. The Trustee's obligation of contract includes providing the products and services offered on this website in exchange for the member's donation, and fulfilling, to the best of their ability, the stated purpose of the Ministry.
This concludes the Disclaimer, Waiver and Agreement in its entirety.