Watch our Testimonial Video to See the Impact of Biomagnetic Therapy

  • Kathy L., New York

    I have been using the Biomagnetic Lyme Kit for pain that I believe was due to Lyme. After the first day of using protocols #1 and #2, the intense pain in both my arms and my neck, DISSOLVED!! It just dropped away, and has not returned to that degree since.

  • Debra Ray S., Florida

    From the first day I used the magnets, I started feeling better. On the first night I woke up in the middle of the night with herx reactions I hadn’t had before and said to myself, ‘Oh, wow, it’s working.’ I can tell something different is happening in my body. I’ve spent 50 thousand dollars out of pocket in Lyme treatments.  Insurance doesn’t cover this stuff. I would tell people not to spend any more money on anything foolishly because this would be their answer. Run, and don’t walk. Go get your magnets!

  • Stella F., New York

    I couldn’t walk or even lie down, it was so painful….I was irritable, and tired….I just did one session…and then in the morning I had so much energy again. It makes so much sense to have this kit. It just worked, every time, so I'm definitely telling people about it!

  • Antonia V., Massachusetts

    I wanted to try biomagnetic therapy because I was struggling with symptoms that were due to Lyme. I had brain fog, and a lot of tiredness…..after the second and third treatment, it was pretty much gone. I had no symptoms.

  • Calvin, New York

    (Calvin, at 6 years old, was unable to walk due to Lyme, and was up and running after two healing sessions with Sarah using the Biomagnetic Lyme Protocol. Here's what he said after the first session:)

    "The magnets work!  I want to do the magnets again so I can be all better!"

  • Lynda S., New York

    I was sick for six weeks or so from probable Lyme. After only two sessions, I had more energy, as well as a clear sense that something profound had happened and I was going to get better. I did, indeed, get better. The next morning, an intense pain in my shoulder was gone, and within a few days, I was back to normal.

  • Lisa L., New Hampshire

    I’ve had chronic Lyme on and off for 20 years…..I felt a marked, positive change after one treatment…I’m not exaggerating when I say I think it’s the number one beneficial treatment available right now. I’ve tried a lot.

    None of it created noticeable, lasting change like the magnets… I swear by this work.

  • Catherine J. Connecticut

    I have been working the most with the mycoplasma pairs as that is where I feel the most pain and it has definitely helped. Also doing daily
    thyroid and pituitary pairs. I was feeling a lot of pain (almost constantly) at the place where you indicated to put the pairs for mycoplasma. After about a week or so of using the magnets the pain has completely and permanently disappeared. Mycoplasma is one of the co-infections I’ve had with Lyme so it made sense when I saw where the pairs for it go.

  • Becky J., New York

    I originally got the kit because there are ticks everywhere.  I was hoping to find something to treat them with early on, with the hopes of avoiding having to use antibiotics every single time they get a tick.

    My son got a tick in the middle of winter.  A month later he started having strange symptoms.  He had dark red circles under his eyes. And then the tell tale sign came—his neck got very sore, and very stiff, and he lost a lot of mobility in his neck, and I thought “this is familiar.”  It was obvious to me he had Lyme. He had been quite sick for several days by that point.  I grabbed the kit, which I was very grateful to have at that time, and immediately that night started the first set of Lyme pairs on him. By the next morning he was 80-90 percent better—it was pretty miraculous, overnight.  It was very clear that what we had done had helped.  He went to school, and I continued throughout the week doing the pairs diligently every night and by the end of the week he seemed great. He’s had no symptoms since then and that was almost two months ago.  At this point I think it’s safe to say that he’s made a full recovery and he's in terrific health.

    It’s nice to have something you can use right away when you find a tick, to restore the body to balance as a preventative measure. To be able to see my son so sick and to be able to treat him so quickly with something so simple and easy to use, and you can do it at home, and you can use them over and over again…and so harmless to him and his system…that is very empowering, and it's very exciting, especially in this area.  It feels so great to have it.

  • Eileen O., New York

    One day, I had pain in my right knee.  It made me think that it was Lyme because it would come and go over a couple of months. What I noticed is that over the last two weeks, since I did the magnet protocol, I have no pain  at all.  

    I would definitely recommend to people to get the kit.  It’s incredible.  The success that I’ve had—not just with this but with magnets in the past— is remarkable.  The kit is inexpensive, it lasts forever, I can always use it, I can use it on someone else, I can use it on myself…I would have it in every first aid kit.  Especially where we live

  • Kathryn R., Michigan

    I started [the Lyme Protocol] yesterday and slept the best I have in a very long time…I am so encouraged. The second night I slept soundly and 10 hours…I did not realize you could also treat mold and heavy metals with biomagnetic therapy and am so happy to learn this.

  • David S., New York

    (about his 3-y/o son)

    My son was diagnosed with Lyme about 6 months ago.  He had been pretty unhappy and complaining a lot.  After the first day that we did the protocol, he woke up the next morning playing and in a good mood.  It seems to be working!  So, yes, he’s good, and overall much better.  I’m going to use the magnets on my wife next…🙏

  • John T., New York

    I've been dealing with Lyme for 16 years now— I’ve tried many modalities and nothing really moved the needle. The magnets were extremely interesting because when I first did them, I felt a calm bliss for the next week that I’ve never ever experienced trying any other modality and was like, “Oh, my God, I feel good! I’m feeling great! 

    You name it—I’ve tried acupuncture, massage, herbs, ozone…I spent tens of thousands of dollars on stuff. What Lyme destroyed the most for me is my gut.  No matter what I did I could never get the SIBO to go away. That’s more or less gone now, since I did the magnets. I’ve had a gut improvement that I never ever had before and I’ve only done the magnet protocol three or four times. 

    I’m sleeping the best I ever have. The fact that it's lasted 1.5 months is notable. I've had moments in the past where I thought I made huge progress but it never lasted more than 2-3 weeks. It's for sure real this time.   

    I have to say that my body absolutely loves the magnets, and the magnets achieved what no other healing modality has achieved for me in the past 16 years I've been trying to solve this.

  • Rebecca J., New York

    I don't know which deserves the greater praise, Sarah or her magnets. My son was suffering terribly from acute Lyme (fever, lethargy, bullseye rash, sore joints, stiff neck...), and, while we're not fully out of the woods yet, he seems to be healing without the use of antibiotics, thanks in great part to Sarah's magnetic therapy sessions. While I can't say for sure what healed my son, since we were using many therapies concomitantly (including high potency homeopathy, herbs, Epsom salt baths...), I feel I can say with confidence that the magnets were a huge part of his healing. Sarah is wonderful. She is kind and patient and is passionate about the power of the magnets-- she was very generous with her time, eager to show me the pairs so that I could continue to work on him in between sessions. I am deeply grateful to her and her work.

  • ~Nancy F., New York

    In the past few weeks, I’m noticing the change, my family is noticing the change.  I can say with confidence that I am in remission right now with Lyme.  I’ve had 4 or 5 co-infections and I feel that the Epstein Barre is going down.  I have the awareness now that if something starts showing up again, I’m not going to wait for the medical paradigm to do a test and wait 3-4 weeks.  I’m going to be proactive and I’m going to start with my Lyme Kit.  I’m gonna do Epstein Barre, I’m going to do my adrenals…I got magnets and I’m going to put them anywhere on my body where I’m called to do that.  So power to ya, don’t give up, keep experimenting and have fun.  Follow your knowing.

  • ~Cheryl N., Massachusetts

    For 26 years, I've suffered from an autoimmune condition and Lyme co-infections. My symptoms include muscle pain and stiffness, joint pain, weakness, fatigue, brain fog, cold hands and feet, constipation, bloating, an inability to gain weight, and puffy eyes. I've been on the Lyme protocol for two weeks. I already feel a dramatic improvement. I've noticed about an 85% reduction in muscle pain and stiffness, joint pain, weakness, fatigue, and brain fog. Most of my other symptoms... cold hands and feet, constipation, bloating, and puffy eyes... have been reduced as well, about 50%. I plan to continue on the Lyme protocol until I feel I no longer need it, and then I intend to continue using biomagnetic healing to address my additional underlying conditions. Sarah's approach to helping people heal with magnets is gentle and precise. Most importantly, she teaches others how to apply biomagnetic therapy on themselves, thereby giving them the power to self-heal.