HEALING LYME MAGNETICALLY: The Biomagnetic Breakthrough Workshop with Sarah Atwater
- Learn about the theory behind how this method produces seemingly miraculous results for people suffering from Lyme;
- Be led, with Sarah’s guidance, through the process of self-assessment for Lyme, molds, and the various co-infections;
- Give yourself a full magnetic healing session using the Biomagnetic Lyme Kit developed by Sarah Atwater;
- Develop a powerful new set of skills to empower you to care for yourself and your loved ones who are suffering from Lyme.
Workshop Locations & Details
Roots Holistic Wellness, Chatham NY: Sunday June 9th, 2024 1:30-4:30pm
Join us in this 3-hour workshop, led by our Biomagnetic practitoner Sarah Atwater. In this class we cover the following:
- Learn about the theory behind how this method produces seemingly miraculous results for people suffering from Lyme;
- Be led, with Sarah’s guidance, through the process of self-assessment for Lyme, molds, and the various co-infections;
- Give yourself a full magnetic healing session using the Biomagnetic Lyme Kit developed by Sarah Atwater;
- Develop a powerful new set of skills to empower you to care for yourself and your loved ones who are suffering from Lyme.
Cost of Workshop: $150 (You will receive a 20% discount code for the Lyme Kit, with your workshop registration)
Click the link below to sign up:
The N.E.S.T., Woodstock NY: Thursday June 13th, 2024 2-5pm
Join us in this 4-hour workshop, led by our Biomagnetic practitoner Sarah Atwater. In this class we cover the following:
- Learn about the theory behind how this method produces seemingly miraculous results for people suffering from Lyme;
- Be led, with Sarah’s guidance, through the process of self-assessment for Lyme, molds, and the various co-infections;
- Give yourself a full magnetic healing session using the Biomagnetic Lyme Kit developed by Sarah Atwater;
- Develop a powerful new set of skills to empower you to care for yourself and your loved ones who are suffering from Lyme.
Cost of Workshop: $150 (You will receive a 20% discount code for the Lyme Kit, with your workshop registration)
Click the link below to sign up:
Mettabee Farm & Arts, Hillsdale NY: Sunday June 16th, 2024 2-5pm
Join us in this 3-hour workshop, led by our Biomagnetic practitoner Sarah Atwater. In this class we cover the following:
- Learn about the theory behind how this method produces seemingly miraculous results for people suffering from Lyme;
- Be led, with Sarah’s guidance, through the process of self-assessment for Lyme, molds, and the various co-infections;
- Give yourself a full magnetic healing session using the Biomagnetic Lyme Kit developed by Sarah Atwater;
- Develop a powerful new set of skills to empower you to care for yourself and your loved ones who are suffering from Lyme.
Cost of Workshop: $150 (You will receive a 20% discount code for the Lyme Kit, with your workshop registration)
Click the link below to sign up:
Please contact us If you are interested in a "HEALING LYME MAGNETICALLY: The Biomagnetic Breakthrough Workshop with Sarah Atwater" occuring in your local community.
Workshop Testimonials
~Nancy F., New York
I’ve had lyme for 2 1/2 years now and I've been doing the magnets since Sarah’s workshop about a month ago. Borellia was the the big one, and I’m at the point with the testing that the Borellia is not showing up, but I’ve had a lot of stuff coming up with flight or flight, anxiety, not sleeping…the whole bit. Bloodwork in the past had shown epstein barre. Sarah suggested I work on Epstein Barre and I’ve been putting the magnets on my occiput on a regular basis, and I’ve also been doing the adrenal protocol that Sarah taught us. My fight or flight and anxiety have come down quite a bit. I am at the point where I was out on our pond yesterday and I was at peace. I’m feeling like I’m really getting this and it's like what do I have to lose? I’m going to experiment. The more I connect into these things, I realize that we have the power to do this. In the past few weeks, I’m noticing the change, my family is noticing the change. I can say with confidence that I am in remission right now with Lyme. I’ve had 4 or 5 co-infections and I feel that the Epstein Barre is going down. I have the awareness now that if something starts showing up again, I’m not going to wait for the medical paradigm to do a test and wait 3-4 weeks. I’m going to be proactive and I’m going to start with my Lyme Kit. I’m gonna do Epstein Barre, I’m going to do my adrenals…I got magnets and I’m going to put them anywhere on my body where I’m called to do that. So power to ya, don’t give up, keep experimenting and have fun. Follow your knowing.
~Cheryl N., Massachusetts
For 26 years, I've suffered from an autoimmune condition and Lyme co-infections. My symptoms include muscle pain and stiffness, joint pain, weakness, fatigue, brain fog, cold hands and feet, constipation, bloating, an inability to gain weight, and puffy eyes. I've been on the Lyme protocol for two weeks. I already feel a dramatic improvement. I've noticed about an 85% reduction in muscle pain and stiffness, joint pain, weakness, fatigue, and brain fog. Most of my other symptoms... cold hands and feet, constipation, bloating, and puffy eyes... have been reduced as well, about 50%. I plan to continue on the Lyme protocol until I feel I no longer need it, and then I intend to continue using biomagnetic healing to address my additional underlying conditions. Sarah's approach to helping people heal with magnets is gentle and precise. Most importantly, she teaches others how to apply biomagnetic therapy on themselves, thereby giving them the power to self-heal.